يؤدى الخدمة العسكرية يساعد الكاهن المحتفل بالقداس ينفع - перевод на Английский
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يؤدى الخدمة العسكرية يساعد الكاهن المحتفل بالقداس ينفع - перевод на Английский

Military Science; Military Sciences; Funds for defense industries; Military applications; العلوم العسكرية; Military affairs; Military research; Defence Science; Defence studies; Defense studies; Military studies; Military scientist; Weapons scientist; Defense science; Defence science; Defense Studies; Military scientists
  • shrapnel]]. Published 1917.

يؤدى الخدمة العسكرية يساعد الكاهن المحتفل بالقداس ينفع      

serve (VI)

الخدمة الاجتماعية         
  • الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية]].
الخدمه الاجتماعيه; مهنة الخدمة الاجتماعية; خدمة إجتماعية; Social work; خدمه اجتماعيه; عمل إجتماعي; عمل اجتماعي; العمل الاجتماعي; الخدمات الاجتماعية; Trabajo Social; الخدمة الاجتماعية

social service (N)

خدمة إجتماعية         
  • الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية]].
الخدمه الاجتماعيه; مهنة الخدمة الاجتماعية; خدمة إجتماعية; Social work; خدمه اجتماعيه; عمل إجتماعي; عمل اجتماعي; العمل الاجتماعي; الخدمات الاجتماعية; Trabajo Social; الخدمة الاجتماعية

social work


Military science

Military science is the study of military processes, institutions, and behavior, along with the study of warfare, and the theory and application of organized coercive force. It is mainly focused on theory, method, and practice of producing military capability in a manner consistent with national defense policy. Military science serves to identify the strategic, political, economic, psychological, social, operational, technological, and tactical elements necessary to sustain relative advantage of military force; and to increase the likelihood and favorable outcomes of victory in peace or during a war. Military scientists include theorists, researchers, experimental scientists, applied scientists, designers, engineers, test technicians, and other military personnel.

Military personnel obtain weapons, equipment, and training to achieve specific strategic goals. Military science is also used to establish enemy capability as part of technical intelligence.

In military history, military science had been used during the period of Industrial Revolution as a general term to refer to all matters of military theory and technology application as a single academic discipline, including that of the deployment and employment of troops in peacetime or in battle.

In military education, military science is often the name of the department in the education institution that administers officer candidate education. However, this education usually focuses on the officer leadership training and basic information about employment of military theories, concepts, methods and systems, and graduates are not military scientists on completion of studies, but rather junior military officers.